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Is there a relationship between the size of the fetus and how much the mother eats

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

As we all know, a woman's body will undergo many changes after pregnancy, especially the development of the fetus. Due to a variety of factors, the health status of many pregnant mothers during pregnancy is not the same, some fetuses will be larger, and some fetuses will be smaller. So is there a relationship between the size of the baby and how much the woman eats? Let's take a look at it!

Is there a relationship between fetal size and how much a woman eats

The size of the fetus is indeed affected by the diet during pregnancy (how much the pregnant woman eats). If the expectant mother often does not eat or eats very little because of the vomiting reaction, the fetus is likely to suffer from malnutrition, which leads to stunting and small fetus. On the contrary, if pregnant women eat a lot during pregnancy, it is also easy to lead to excessive weight growth, and even cause macrosomia, so that the expectant mother can not deliver naturally.

It should be noted that how much pregnant women eat is just one of the factors that affect the size of the fetus. For example, some expectant mothers eat a lot during pregnancy, even one person eats two portions, but the fetus may not be born very big. While some expectant mothers eat little during pregnancy, almost as much as before pregnancy, but the baby is born with a heavy weight.

In short, there are many factors that affect the size of the fetus, and how much the pregnant woman eats is just one of them. It is recommended that the mother-to-be eat a balanced diet, small and frequent meals.

How to arrange pregnancy food reasonably

Pregnant women who have no morning sickness and eat sweet food

During pregnancy, some pregnant women do not have what is known as pregnancy reaction, but a greater appetite than usual. Many people think that the more pregnant eat the healthier the baby will grow, so they will open their appetite to binge. In fact, such unrestrained eating is very easy to cause gestational diabetes or to make themselves obese, but also easy to let the fetus grow into giant.

Pregnant women should pay attention to the balance of meat and vegetable collocation, try to eat light, eat less high sugar and salt, fat content is high, heavy taste food. This baby nutrition absorption will be more comprehensive, will not grow into giant, pregnant mother postpartum weight will not be too heavy.

Pregnant women with severe pregnancy reactions and unable to eat

Pregnant pregnancy reaction is serious, can not eat, and even some pregnant women will vomit even drink water. This type of pregnant women eat less, it is easy to cause fetal stunted small.

In order to let the fetus absorb more nutrition, pregnant women can eat five or six meals a day, a small number of meals to eat. In order to increase the appetite of pregnant women, you can eat some acidic fruits to appetizer. Because pregnant women with severe pregnancy reactions eat less, so there is no need to how to quit mouth, as long as it is not junk food, eat it. But in order to absorb the baby's nutrition more comprehensive, or recommended meat, vegetables, fruits all want to eat.

What should pregnant pregnancy food notice

1. Avoid overeating and eat small meals

During the whole pregnancy, we should pay attention to not overeating, not hungry for a full meal, try to eat three regular meals, can eat less and more meals, food variety is rich and diverse, so that the stomach and weight control are better. For pregnant mothers who are overweight, obese or have rapid weight gain, or expectant mothers with high blood glucose or gestational diabetes mellitus, it is more important to pay attention to reasonable control of total energy intake. During pregnancy, regular and quantitative food intake should be maintained to ensure adequate nutrition and healthy development of mother and baby.

2. Don't eat raw, cold, and half-cooked food

Raw eggs, sashimi, raw meat and other raw food, sugar eggs, medium-rare steak and other undercooked food are best not to eat, these food is likely to be contaminated by bacteria, parasites, eat easy to get sick, hurt the baby.

3. Reduce oil, salt and sugar intake

When cooking, control the amount of oil and salt, try to stay away from junk food, moderate control of fat intake, especially some fried food. During pregnancy, especially in the late pregnancy, sugar metabolism will be poor, pregnant women who like to eat sweet food must be moderate, be careful of gestational diabetes, can be changed to eat some nutritious and satiating fruits or nuts, dairy products, etc.

4. Be aware of food allergies

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers are prone to allergies. Even if they are not allergic to food, they may also be allergic after pregnancy. So before eating things that may contain allergens, try two bites to make sure they are not allergic before continuing to eat.

5. Stay teetotal during pregnancy

Alcohol is both a carcinogen and a definite teratogenic substance. As long as you drink alcohol during pregnancy, it may enter the placenta, hinder the growth and development of the fetus, and even lead to fetal alcoholism syndrome (FASD). Such babies are likely to have severe malformations after birth.

6. Eat a balanced diet with meat dishes

Fish, meat, eggs are rich in high quality protein and trace elements, easy digestion and absorption by human body, especially the fish also can provide the development of the fetal brain and retina function is very important of alpha 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (DHA and EPA), and fat content is relatively low, however, fish and not eat the more the better, Eating too much Marine fish can put you at risk of consuming too much mercury, and the FDA recommends a maximum of 340 grams of fish per week during pregnancy. In addition to high quality protein, but also with enough fruits and vegetables and whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables can provide trace elements and vitamins for pregnant mothers, corn, sweet potatoes, grains and other whole grains can also provide more trace elements, in general, the balance of nutrition is the most important.