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Is scar of caesarean section very apparent how to return a responsibility scar of caesarean section

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

We all know that many pregnant mothers will choose caesarean section when giving birth, this is a relatively common way of delivery. After caesarean section, there will be wounds on the body, which will take a period of time to recover. Many mothers will find that their scars will be more obvious, so the scar of caesarean section is very obvious what is going on? Let's take a look at it!

The C-section scar is obvious. What's going on

Physical difference

Cesarean section scar is very normal, some puerpera itself is scar constitution, so the healing of the knife edge is slower, and the scar is easy to grow and grow, the scar site is red, itchy, and the texture becomes hard. The scar tissue doesn't contract well, so it's very visible.

But some Bao Ma after cesarean section knife recovery fast, and contraction is better, scar soon become light, this is the difference in personal constitution. It's not about poor care.

The procedure

In general, the vertical incision is larger than the transverse incision scar, the scar will be obvious, and the doctor's technology is also very important, if the technology is not good, it will be easy to leave a very obvious scar.

Improper care

After caesarean section, the knife edge needs a period of time to recover, during this period, we must take good care to prevent wound infection, otherwise it is easy to leave a very obvious scar.

How does the knife edge scar of caesarean section purify

In fact, for some relatively small and less obvious caesarean scar, you can go to the hospital to use drug injection treatment and laser treatment, but it should be noted that if it is the use of drug treatment, you need to avoid lactation; Still HAVE PLAN to WANT 2 CHILDREN ALSO CAN NOT USE drug treatment, drug treatment after half a year can want 2 children.

For some serious abdominal scars, they can be improved by surgical treatment, and the sunken scars can be smoothed out by surgery to achieve visual aesthetics. Of course, the late operation or with non-surgical treatment, such as the late use of scar paste and ointment treatment and so on.

Of course, each person's specific situation is different, so mothers should also go to the hospital to consult the doctor when choosing, and then according to the situation, symptomatic treatment can achieve better results.

How long it takes to recover from a C-section

Normally speaking, the incision after caesarean section can be healed within a week after delivery, and scar hyperplasia reaction occurs at 3-6 weeks after delivery, and then the scar hyperplasia tissue begins to decline and shrink after 6 weeks after delivery, and then the color begins to slowly become lighter and close to the original skin, and the height of the scar is flat with the skin surface.

How does the knife edge of caesarean section nurse

1. Keep the wound dry and breathable. If it is hot and sweaty or sticky, dry it in time and pay attention to disinfection treatment to avoid infection and inflammation of the wound.

2, sit up during the month, the movement should be slow. Try to use arms to support the body and then slowly rise, to avoid abdominal exertion. Postpartum pay attention to prevent colds and cough, eat more vegetables to avoid constipation. Especially not because of the above reasons to cause wound laceration.

3. One week after caesarean section, avoid bending over when taking a bath and washing your hair. Of course, do not bend over frequently when doing other housework.

4, do not eat fish within 1 week after caesarean section, fish although there are a lot of protein and DHA components, but fish EPA will affect wound healing.

5, postpartum 3 days can drink more milk, 350 ~ 500ml a day, in addition to 3 ~ 5 eggs a day, these high protein food is conducive to the early recovery of the wound.

6. Postpartum diet should be as light as possible, and all spicy and stimulating foods should not be eaten. Like some seasonings to minimize, can avoid as much as possible.