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Whether a baby with a biparietal diameter of more than 9.8cm is suitable for vaginal birth or Caesar

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

As we all know, after a woman is pregnant, the development of the fetus is not the same, some fetal development is more normal, some fetal development is faster, and some fetal development is slower and so on, the fetal double parietal diameter will directly affect the baby's production, so how many fetal double parietal diameter can be vaginal delivery? Let's take a look at it!

At what point can the fetus be born with double parietal diameter

Fetal double top diameter how much time can production, this problem is a little meaning, fetal production time and the size of the double top diameter is no direct relationship, some fetal 36 weeks double top diameter is 93 mm, but the fetus is not mature, so not yet born, some already full-term fetus, but double top diameter is 90 mm, Always can't keep the fetus double top diameter to 93 mm was born, in short, as long as the fetus mature naturally childbirth, and fetus is no connection of double top diameter, but according to the double top diameter growth rule, in the time of those fetuses double top diameter should be at least 93 mm, of course, if you don't have 93 mm does not mean there is something wrong with the baby, The size of fetal biparietal diameter is related to genetic relationship, fetal nutrition and gestational age. That is to say, the fetus is delivered at term at 38 to 42 weeks of pregnancy, but the biparietal diameter of the fetus is not fixed at the time of delivery, it may be 90mm, it may be 101mm.

Double parietal diameter more than how many bad vaginal birth

Normally, the biparietal diameter of the fetus should not exceed 9.8cm. As long as the head of the fetus can pass through the birth canal, the body can also pass through naturally, so the biparietal diameter of the fetus can also determine the mode of delivery. Because the most narrow part of the pregnant mother's pelvis is only 10cm, in comparison, of course, the smaller the biparietal diameter, the easier the vaginal delivery. If the double parietal diameter is too large, the head basin will not weigh, and the fetus can not enter the basin. Even if the fetus enters the basin, it will be stuck in the birth canal because of the large double parietal diameter. Even if it can pass at last, the whole process is quite difficult. After the fetus out of the pelvis, but also through the soft birth canal, that is, the perineal mouth, if the pregnant mother will be due to poor conditions, poor elasticity, dysplasia and so on will also cause some resistance to the fetus, so that the fetus stays in the birth canal for too long, easy to cause fetal hypoxia.

But there are also some fetal biparietal diameter is relatively large can also be delivered smoothly, this is because the pregnant mother's pelvis is relatively large, wide, more conducive to the smooth passage of the fetus.

Before delivery, the pregnant mother will generally do a B ultrasound, the doctor will also according to the results of the B ultrasound with the measurement of the puerpera's pelvis to judge whether the puerpera is suitable for natural delivery.

How does pregnant woman want to deliver naturally

Serious prenatal

In order to further improve the success rate of vaginal delivery, the majority of pregnant women are the first important is to carefully inspect the birth, and actively treat pregnancy-related diseases or complications. The second important is to actively control their own weight and fetal weight, mainly through scientific diet and appropriate exercise methods to control.

Science diet

The so-called scientific diet refers to the active supplement of nutritional elements, including folic acid and a variety of vitamins and minerals, calcium supplementation from the second trimester, balanced diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, eat more lean meat, eggs, fish and shrimp and other high protein food, appropriately reduce high sugar, high salt and high fat food.

Reasonable sports

Appropriate exercise means that exercise should be appropriate, so that you do not feel tired and do not affect your normal life after exercise. To moderate, every day to maintain a similar amount of exercise, can not increase or decrease sharply, the range of exercise is also smaller; To be appropriate, choose a sport that suits your physical condition and the conditions of the venue, and it is best to take into account strength and endurance.