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Pregnant 19 weeks tummy is it normal to be pregnant 19 weeks tummy is tight how to return a responsi

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

As we all know, after women become pregnant, they will encounter different situations and have different discomfort symptoms at different stages. Many pregnant mothers will find their stomachs hard and tight at 19 weeks of pregnancy, which is a common phenomenon. So what's with that hard, tight stomach at 19 weeks? Let's take a look at it!

Pregnant 19 weeks belly tight hair hard how to return a responsibility

1. False contractions

False contractions often appear in the second and third trimester, especially in the third trimester, false contractions are particularly frequent. But at 19 weeks of gestation, pseudocytic contractions are still relatively few, only occasionally, but pseudocytic contractions appear, it will feel the stomach stiff and tight, there is a little feeling of swelling, this situation can be alleviated as long as attention to rest.

2. The uterus is enlarged

At 19 weeks of gestation, the stomach becomes hard and tight. It is also possible that the uterus increases faster, and the round ligament of the uterus is also extended and lengthened, and the tension increases, leading to traction of the uterine wall, and thus the abdomen becomes hard and tight.

3, constipation

At 19 weeks of gestation, with the decline of the baby, it began to gradually press the bladder and intestine of the mothers, which will cause constipation during pregnancy, thereby increasing the abdominal pressure, tightening and stiffening, and the feeling of abdominal distension. Moms can help by exercising and eating foods rich in vegetable fiber.

4. You're too tired

The mother-to-be is too tired, or the work pressure is too great, mental tension will cause the stomach stiff and tight.

5, threatened abortion

If the mother's stomach is stiff and tight, accompanied by pain similar to menstruation, as well as vaginal bleeding and other symptoms, it is likely to be the phenomenon of threatened abortion.

Pregnant 19 weeks belly hair hard how to do tight

1, pay attention to rest, don't be too nervous, try to relax, or do deep breathing.

2, appropriate exercise, can go outdoors to walk, breathe fresh air.

3. The belly is hard and tight caused by constipation. If the expectant mother feels pain, it is recommended to stop going to the toilet immediately, stand up slowly and return to the position.

4. Take a hot bath to relax your body.

5. Drink plenty of warm water.

6. If the stomach is hard and tight, accompanied by pain and vaginal bleeding, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time.

Precautions for 19 weeks of pregnancy

At 19 weeks of gestation, when the fetus is not very large, the mother-to-be should pay attention to:

Production inspection on time

Remember at 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy into the Tang screening test, or directly do non-invasive DNA is also OK. In addition, don't forget to make an appointment for a 4-D ultrasound to be performed between 22 and 28 weeks of gestation.

A balanced diet

At 19 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus develops rapidly, and the expectant mother should timely supplement nutrition: including calcium, iron, zinc, protein, multivitamins, iodine, DHA, etc. It is better to drink some milk every day and eat deep-sea fish every three days.

Pay attention to the movement

Most expectant mothers can feel the fetal movement at this stage, but the movement is still relatively slight, and sometimes not, of course, every pregnant mother feels the fetal movement is different.