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Be pregnant 5 months eat Hua Jia have a problem be pregnant eat Hua Jia what to exquisite

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

As we all know, women will have a lot of attention and attention after pregnancy, especially in terms of diet, many foods are not edible, such as raw and cold food, spicy food, tobacco and alcohol. During pregnancy, many mothers will also want to eat seafood, such as nails. So be pregnant 5 months can you eat Hua Hua? Let's take a look at it!

Be pregnant can the pregnant woman of 5 months eat Hua Jia

Pinacea is a kind of shellfish, pregnant women can eat right amount of pinacea, it is very rich in nutrition.

The nutrition of nail is very comprehensive, it contains rich protein, fat, carbohydrate and trace elements iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, iodine and vitamins, amino acids, taurine and other nutrients. Diuretic diuresis detumescence, nourishing Yin moistening dryness, producing fluid and phlegm, appetizing and eliminating annoyance. Eating diuresis during pregnancy can not only alleviate the symptoms of anemia and cramps of pregnant mothers, promote the growth and development of fetal babies, but also is especially suitable for pregnant mothers with edema during pregnancy. For the pregnant mother with high blood sugar, or a kind of auxiliary treatment of diabetes food, so as long as not allergic to seafood, pregnant mother is completely can eat nails oh!

The practice of pregnant women eating nails

1. Make soup: The soup of Hua Hua Hua is delicious and sweet. Just pour boiling water into it and boil it until your mouth opens.

2. Stir-fry: hot to the mouth slightly open immediately pick up, and then from the oil pan, stir-fry with ginger, garlic and onion, add oyster sauce can be out of the pot.

3. Steamed eggs: Mix a small amount of flower nails and egg liquid together, steam in the pot, and finally pour in some soy sauce and hot oil to enhance the flavor.

What should pregnant woman eat flower armour to notice

1 pregnant women should control the portion, try not to exceed 10 each time, do not eat too much at once.

2. Avoid eating with celery or orange, which will inhibit the absorption of vitamin C in pregnant women's bodies.

3. Before cooking, be sure to wash the impurities and sediment inside the nail, so when cooking, to cook and then eat, the nail is not cooked to eat, carrying bacteria is easy to cause diarrhea in pregnant women.

4. If the spleen and stomach of pregnant women are relatively cold, or pregnant women will be allergic to seafood before pregnancy, then pregnant women should still avoid food, suitable for eating nails, try not to eat, or eat less nails.

Pregnant women should have a diverse diet during pregnancy. Seafood, in addition to nail, shrimp is also very delicious, and fish, such as eel, hairtail, cuttlefish, perch and so on, are easy to absorb, and contain a large amount of protein, which is very suitable for pregnant women to eat.