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What does the fetal movement of normal darling and abnormal darling have to differ what kind of feta

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

We all know that after a woman reaches a certain stage of pregnancy, the baby will gradually develop and grow, which is called fetal movement. In different periods, fetal movement is not the same, the second trimester fetal movement is generally more frequent. So what's the difference between normal and abnormal fetal beats? Let's take a look at it!

Difference between abnormal and normal fetal movements

The time of initial fetal movement

Normal fetal movement is generally in 16-18 weeks, abnormal fetal movement will appear later, may take about 20 weeks, the pregnant woman can feel the fetal movement.

The degree of fetal activity

Fetal movement has its own rules. Normal fetal movement may be frequent during the day and quiet at night, or little movement during the day and more active at night. Abnormal fetal movement is irregular, slow, and less frequent.

Amplitude of fetal movement

Normal fetal fetal movement range will be relatively large, pregnant women will feel the fetal movement is very powerful. And abnormal fetal fetal movement range is small, especially weak, if the pregnant woman is careless, a lot of time can not feel the occurrence of fetal movement.

What is the movement of the fetus in question

1, fetal movement too late

Generally speaking, the fetal movement will be more frequent at the end of the 12th week, multipara will feel the fetal movement at 15-16 weeks, primipara will feel the fetal movement at 18-20 weeks, if 20 weeks do not feel the fetal movement, be sure to go to the hospital to consult. To determine if it's your feelings or if the fetus is really not moving.

2. Abnormal fetal movement

If the pregnant mother high fever, pregnant mother sleeping position improper pressure fetal baby, amniotic fluid reduction, fetal baby will be hypoxia and fetal movement reduction.

If the pregnant mother's abdomen is impacted by external force, serious trauma, uterine pressure reduction, umbilical cord knot and other conditions, the fetal baby will appear fetal movement acceleration, and suddenly stop the problem.

What is normal fetal baby fetal movement

Normal fetal movement is regular, rhythmic, changes will not be too big.

1. Between 16 and 20 weeks, fetal movement is concentrated near the belly button, less noticeable and very slight. Sometimes like fish swimming, sometimes like butterflies dancing, sometimes purring.

2. Between 20 and 35 weeks, fetal movement is more pronounced near the stomach. The fetus will make a variety of large movements such as punching, kicking, rolling and so on.

3, after 35 weeks, fetal movement is very powerful, if early into the basin, fetal movement will become less if not into the basin, fetal movement is still a lot.