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Why do children like watching cartoons

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

1. The animation is exaggerated, which is more in line with the characteristics of children's growth and development. The animation colors are bright and strong, and the children are in the visual sensitive period, so they have no resistance to the colorful visual pictures. Animated film based on real life through exaggeration, generalization of the artistic forms, such as small animals will be assigned to a person's character, ability, the princess will have magic, imagination, and children and dubbing gentle beautiful, fun, very accord with children language characteristics of this stage, let the children have a friendly feeling, so it is attracting the attention of children.

Children are always curious about things they are not familiar with, and they like novel and unique things. The simple and direct way of expressing things in cartoons is easy for children to understand, and children are easy to imitate, which enriches their imaginary world. An excellent cartoon suitable for children is often depicted in a warm and peaceful world, which can meet the needs of children to love and be loved, so that children are easy to like.

Most modern parents are busy with work and have no more time and energy to take care of their children. Children need to be accompanied by others. At this time, cartoons just play the role of company.