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What degree of water is used for pancakes and flour

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

As we all know, flapjack is a common pasta eating method, it is more practice, taste is rich, eat up will be fragrant and crisp, loved by people, many people will eat flapjack at home. So what is the best water to use for pancakes and noodles? Let's take a look at it!

What degree of water is appropriate for pancakes and noodles

For pancakes, use warm water from 20℃ to 30℃ for dough

20℃ to 30℃ water temperature value is the most reasonable, it can fully surface and water fusion of a piece, kneaded out of the dough is very lubricated, especially elastic, out of the surface is twice the size of the normal surface, very full, baked cake golden yellow, eat in the mouth special muscle.

Pancake, and surface below 20℃

Pancakes, and the surface is lower than 20℃ in spring and summer can still be, the surface can be hair, if in autumn and winter, the face is easy to become dead, hair can not get up, not to mention the pancake, the cake is as hard as a stone.

Pancake, and surface above 30℃

The water temperature is too high, easy to burn the baking powder or old noodles to death, even if the noodles and out, also can not be fully fermented, the final dough is the same size, can not pancake, even if the cake is burned out is dead cake.


Pancakes, and the surface water temperature is best controlled to 20℃ to 30℃, which is a reasonable water temperature value, the surface is the best, the cake is also the most delicious.

What is the best water for pancakes and noodles

When we eat out, we are often attracted by the taste of all kinds of cakes in the restaurant. Some cakes are crisp and some cakes are soft. The delicious trick is on the surface, and the surface of the water is different, and the materials are different.

1, boiling water and noodles

Boil water and noodles. It is usually called "hot face". Add boiling water to the flour and stir it together, then add cold water and knead it into a hot surface. The surface is basically cooked.

(1) Boiling water and noodles + lard: pastry appearance is beautiful, crisp and layered

After ironing, add cooked lard and knead it into dough. After waking up slightly, the oil is sticky and oily.

For example, hand tear cake, white gluten cake, thin spring cake are burned with this method.

2, warm water and noodles

In warm water of 40-50 degrees, add flour and mix together to make a soft flour product.

For example, sesame candy cake, home cake, scallion pancake, pie and so on.

Warm water with yeast and noodles: such as Huangqiao pancake

Add 250g of flour to leaven and warm boiling water and knead until the dough is fermented. After the leavening, add in alkali water and knead until the dough has no sour taste. Add the remaining 250g of flour into cooked lard or dry pastry.

(2) Warm water with alkali and surface: such as gold cake

Put the alkali surface into a bowl, add a little warm water to adjust and filter the impurities into alkali water. Put the flour into the basin with a little refined salt, mix well with alkali water, then use warm water to form dough, cover with wet cloth, for 30 minutes to proof, add a little flour and rub evenly.

Warm water with yeast powder, baking soda and noodles: such as beef fire

Add yeast powder baking soda and warm water to flour and knead into dough. Let rise for 30 minutes.

3, water and surface

① Water and refined salt + egg liquid: such as radish cake, spinach cake, potato cake, wax gourd cake, etc.

Eggs knock into a bowl to beat, flour into the basin, pour into the egg liquid, and then add the right amount of water knead dough.

(2) Water and vegetable oil and noodles: such as household shortbread

Put the flour in a bowl. Add water and 50g vegetable oil to the dough.

(3) Water and yeast powder + boiling water hot stamping: such as pretzel

Add 300 grams of flour into the basin, add yeast powder to mix well, and then knead the dough with water; Put the remaining 200g flour in another bowl, pour in boiling water and mix well into a hot dough. Mix the dough with the hot dough and knead well.

Use water to taste pancakes and flour

The choice of pancakes and face water mainly depends on what flavor you want. Such as:

1. For hard and chewy cakes, warm water with salt and noodles are generally selected.

2, taste crisp, baked cake has a sense of layers, then you can choose water and oil together with noodles.

3, soft taste of the cake, you can choose half of the hot, half of the warm water and noodles.

A homely recipe for pancakes

Ingredients: flour, salad oil or lard, salt, sesame oil.

Production method:

1. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and heat until the sound of sizzling appears. Mix the dough with warm water and knead until the dough is smooth and there are no flour particles. Cover with plastic wrap and relax for 30 minutes. Do not knead the pancake dough too much, too long kneading will form gluten, baked cake will be very hard. There are no dry flour particles in the dough.

2. Put the relaxed dough on the cutting board and roll out the dough to a thin slice thickness of about 0.5cm. Pour the right amount of salad oil and sesame oil on the surface, sprinkle the right amount of salt, and cut into a strip of 1.5 cm width with a knife. 4 to 5 strips together, from the two ends of the strip to the middle of the roll, roll the middle into two spiral sheets, fold the two sheets together, set aside.

3. Preheat electric baking pan and pour appropriate amount of salad oil into the pan. Press the dough on the electric baking pan with your hands and turn it while pressing. Press the time to pay attention to not hot hand, hand grasp the cake had better not roll, roll out of the cake layer is not too good. Press the speed of the hand is fast, if it is slow and easy to finalize, press to the thickness of about 0.5 cm, then bake to the golden surface, take out the baked cake with the hand from around to the middle of the squeeze is done.


Hand cake is also called straw hat cake, the exterior crisp inside soft, baked after patting scattered, you can eat one by one. It is very delicious whether eaten directly or with dishes or soups. When making the dough and noodles, use warm water or warm water. The amount of water should not be too little, because too little water will make the cake very hard. The pastry should be slightly thicker than jell-O.