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The water goes in first with the flour or the flour and the flour which goes in first with the water

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

As we all know, a lot of people make pasta at home, and it's usually mixed. There are many ways to mix the dough, and different ways to make the dough are also different, some people will mix the dough with water first, some people will put the dough first. Then is the water first or the aspect first? Let's take a look at it!

Is the water first or the noodles first

1. Add water to flour first

And flour varies from person to person, first add water and then add flour slowly stir, there is a proportion of the case can be done at a time, if there is no proportion, repeatedly add flour, repeatedly add water is very troublesome.

2. Add flour and flour first

Like to add noodles first and then add water, this method is more troublesome, need two people to work together to complete, because your hands are stained with noodles, it is impossible to add noodles with one hand and one hand.

What are the techniques for mixing noodles

1, and the surface is to use warm water, so as to ensure that it will not destroy the protein molecules in the dough, so as to make the surface and out of the special strength, but also elastic, than other water temperature and out of the surface is relatively white. And with warm water and the face in the taste will also be other different, such a face will be easier to shape, in the rolling surface is also relatively easy.

2, we pay attention to the rolling surface, you can pour some cooking oil on the panel and rolling pin.

This has two advantages:

① is to prevent the dough from sticking on it;

② The moisture in the dough can be fully locked, so that the moisture does not evaporate to make the cake is sweet and soft. And put on the oil in advance, when you really bake, you can wipe less or even not wipe, so that it will reduce the amount of oil, eat will be more healthy.

3, do not use a small heat, pan heat with medium heat, quickly lock the moisture in the cake, so that the cake is soft.

A common proportion of the surface

Whether adding water first or adding noodles first, as long as there is a proportion, it is easy and fast.

Take 500 grams of flour, for pasta dough, and draft 180-200 ml, 200-210 ml for dumpling dough, and 225-250 ml for fermented dough for steamed buns. Add 60%-70% water first, 20% water next, and then enough.

What's better with noodles

1. In order to avoid the imbalance between water and flour, the water should not be added at one time. Instead, the flour should be poured into the basin or on the panel, and a groove should be dug out in the middle. When the water and flour are thoroughly stirred, the water is dried by the flour, and the flour is repeatedly rubbed by hand to make the flour into many small pieces, commonly known as "snowflake face".

2, so that neither because of flour too late to absorb water, and make water flowing everywhere, also won't stick to the full hand full basin is the batter adverse operation. Then, sprinkle the "snowflake noodles" with water and mix them with your hands until they form round, knobbly dough called "grape noodles."

3, at this time the flour has not yet absorbed enough water, hardness is larger, can knead the dough together into a block, the basin or the face of the sticky batter forcibly wiped off, and then dip in some water to wash the hand flour sprinkled on the "grape surface", you can use both hands to knead the grape surface into a smooth dough.