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Boiled tea eggs when to break the best tea eggs boiled for how long to break

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

There are many ways to eat eggs, tea eggs is one of the most common way, it is boiled eggs and tea and other spices, so that the eggs will taste more delicious, many people will cook tea eggs at home to eat. So when to crack the boiled tea eggs? Let's take a look at it!

When is the best time to break boiled tea eggs

When the eggs are cooked and set, they can be cracked.

Tea eggs can be boiled twice. The first time, the raw egg is boiled, and the second time, the boiled egg is broken and boiled.

In order to make the product look better made tea, cooked eggs when knock rotten egg, the egg gently knock lousy can, knock rotten egg shell the eggs are intended to better flavor, but can't knock too rotten egg, or at the time of marinating eggs would be easy to rotten, the egg is hard to be whole, will remain more shell fragments in brine.

The tea egg is put the egg or the material first

It is usually boiled with unboiled eggs, and then the boiled eggs are broken and boiled with tea spices.

The first thing you need to do is boil the eggs all the way through. After the eggs are cooked, crack the shells evenly to get the flavor. Then is to prepare the right amount of water in the pot, the water should not be over the egg, and then need to put the fragrant leaves, cinnamon, Sichuan pepper, star anise, tangerine peel, and then is the most important tea, a pot of medium heat for about 15 minutes.

After cooking, the taste comes out. Put the broken eggshell into the egg and cook it together, or choose medium heat. After cooking for 40 minutes, stew for three minutes and you can eat a very delicious tea egg.

The technique of boiling tea eggs

1. Wash the eggs and cook them carefully. Do not boil the eggs.

2, crack hard boiled eggs, which also need to be careful, the crack size of the egg is related to the taste of tea eggs. Small crack is not easy to taste, crack is too taste.

3, the pot into the ingredients, do not use powder material, will float on the water, not only do not taste, but also affect the appearance, salt amount, can be a little salty, add water to touch the egg, otherwise it will leave marks, not good.

4. After boiling eggs, marinate them all the time. If you make them at home, you can keep them in the refrigerator.

5, when making tea eggs, do not put Sichuan pepper, Sichuan pepper will destroy the fragrance of tea.

Tea egg recipe


10 eggs 10 tea leaves 10 g star anise 3 cinnamon 1 germinal leaf 3 pieces sugar a little dark soy sauce 2 TBSP soy sauce 2 TBSP salt 2 TBSP

Production process:

1. Wash the eggs and steam them with the egg steamer. In fact, they do not need to be cooked too well.

2, prepare the tea egg material, in fact, it does not matter if you want to add more, and can be boiled repeatedly. Reuse and reuse;

3, with the back of a spoon to knock hard boiled eggs, do not force, do not force! Finished add tea, this tea is not used too well, almost got;

4, the egg repeatedly boiled, can be braised for a night, so that the taste of the egg is more into the taste of some, tea eggs are done, you can start to eat.