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Ios13.2.3 what happens when the third-party input method is slow

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

Why is the input method stuck after ios13.2.3 is updated? On the one hand, the system is very unstable, often crash, and some APP adaptation is poor. For example, the subject may have APP adaptation problems, resulting in third-party input methods can not be used normally. On the other hand, I was looking forward to the official release of iOS13.3, and in iOS13.2, it didn't address some of the salient signal and battery life issues.

What's wrong with the stalling of input methods in ios13.2.3

1, mobile phone film problem. I used blue ray film bought by some treasure before, the result after use, the screen keyboard reaction is very slow, and even can appear the situation of card, type a word but also reaction for half a day. When the membrane is removed, it suddenly becomes smooth.

2. Third-party keyboard adaptation problem. It's actually pretty easy to tell, you can just go to the original keyboard and compare. If the phone's keyboard opens quickly and the third party is mediocre, or stutters, it's not a system problem. This could be an adaptation problem!

3. Uninstall and reinstall the device. If there is a problem during the installation, reinstall it.

Ios13.2.3 What Do I Do If the Third-party Input Method Is Slow

1. If the third-party input method is stuck, it may be that some third-party adaptation is not well done. You can find other input methods to try. Or you can go back to the official input method.

2, there may be a system set deposition, can be reduced. In the General menu, restore all Settings and reboot.

3. In iCloud, turn off Documents and data.

4. After the system is upgraded, you can uninstall the third-party input method and reinstall it.

5, Settings, general menu auxiliary functions, Settings reduce dynamic effect open, restart the iPhone.

What about ios13.2.3

I've always felt that Ios13.2.2 was really bad in terms of battery life, and even had a serious standby problem, with a 7-hour standby consumption of 14%, while ios13.2.3 showed a slight improvement in performance, somewhere around 2% to 3%.

The signal aspect. The performance of these two systems is not very good. Even so far, it is basically in two or one grid to wander, rarely appear full grid situation.

A fever condition. By comparison, the fever seems to be stronger in ios13.2.3 than in the previous version. I had obvious fever problem after 1 hour of video.

Fluency. In terms of fluency, there is no need to criticize, because the fluency of this system is very high.