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Can the fruit be infected during epidemic situation how is the fruit disinfected during epidemic sit

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

Fruit has a very low infection rate during the pandemic, just like vegetables and meat, but just in case you buy fruit, please remember to disinfect it at home. So, how do you disinfect fruit when you buy it at home? Let's take a look at the details provided by this site!

Can fruit be infected during the pandemic

It's safer to peel and eat.


If the virus is transmitted to fruit by droplets or direct contact, it can theoretically survive for a certain amount of time, but no longer than 48 hours.

Unlike bacteria, which can rapidly reproduce on dead cells, viruses can only reproduce on living cells, such as human or animal cells.

Supermarket vegetables, meat and fruit do not have the relevant conditions, so they do not survive for long.

How does fruit disinfect during epidemic

Running water flushing

This is the way experts recommend washing vegetables or fruits. Placing them under a running stream of water and rubbing them with your hands will do your best to wash off any dirt or dirt remaining on the surface. This step will remove most of the contamination.

Saline soak

Light salt water has bactericidal effect, can also neutralize pesticide residues to a certain extent, kill insects, eggs, etc., with about 3% light salt water, cleaning a pot of vegetables and fruits about 2-3 spoons of salt, after melting, fresh vegetables and fruits soak for about 10 minutes, and then clean with running water again.

Hot water immersion

Virus is not high temperature resistant, use hot water soak can eliminate the virus, use boiling water or above 70 degrees hot water soaking more than 3 minutes, then will be very safe when eating, some of the vegetables after high temperature may be poor taste, colour and lustre, but these are not the most important, soak in hot water is also one of the most safe and reliable way.

Can fruits and vegetables be coronavirus spread

First, three conditions are required for spreading novel coronavirus through fruits and vegetables:

1. There are sufficient amounts of the virus on fruits and vegetables (e.g. the infected person sneezes or breathes on it);

2. The virus is exposed to coronavirus before it loses its infectivity (Academician Li Lanjuan said that the novel coronavirus can survive in air for several hours or even days, but the infectivity decreases after two hours);

3. Contact with hands and then eyes, nose or mouth.

Secondly, wash thoroughly, can wash off the "in case of the presence of virus" on the vegetables, heat cooked will also kill the virus.

Therefore, do not worry about the virus through fruit and vegetable transmission, do a good job of washing and cooking.

Related news

There is nothing to worry about, just clean it, the virus can not survive for a few hours in the case of no host outdoors, if you do not rest assured, just let it go for a day and then clean it, usually buy things can also be handled in this way, the most important thing is to pay attention to wear a mask, pay attention to personal hygiene.