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Can domestic pigeons infect coronavirus? Can pigeons be eaten during the pandemic

时间:2020-02-21人气:作者: 小编

Is it okay to eat pigeons during the pandemic? Many people are worried about pigeons with the virus, this COVID-19 and eating pigeons is also related, in fact, it is not, you do not worry too much, domestic pigeons are not any problem, but also to maintain health at home, specific can see the introduction provided by this site.

Can domestic pigeons infect coronavirus

In the year of Gengzi, the epidemic broke out in Wuhan. In some areas, the staff, malicious, on the line, nonsense pigeons are what susceptible animals, to the truth of the masses brought panic.

Yangzhou Mayor's hotline, set things right, give this positive energy mayor praise! Thank you very much!

In addition: REMIND pigeon friends, very period, as far as possible to reduce out, their own breeding racing pigeons to keep, do a good job of health, regular disinfection.

The following is the text of the Yangzhou mayor's hotline.

The homing pigeon is a kind of domestic pigeon, mainly used for communication and flying, often as a symbol of peace. It's not a wild animal.

Novel coronavirus spreads among mammals; carrier pigeons are not mammals and therefore cannot spread novel coronavirus.

Can you eat pigeons during the pandemic

Pigeons can be eaten if they come from legitimate sources.

But if the source is unknown without quarantine certificate, it is not recommended to eat.

On Feb 3, 10 ministries and commissions (bureaus) jointly deployed a special law enforcement action to crack down on illegal wildlife trading, according to a statement released by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Feb 5. Now, local authorities have taken active action to strictly check the illegal sale, purchase, use, transport, carrying, sending of wild animals and their products and related advertising.

How do pigeons get home

I can tell you for sure that pigeons are oriented by magnetic fields.

Magnetic bodies are found in many living things. What are magnetosomes? Let's talk about it.

I found some pictures on the Internet, and they look something like this

We see that magnetosomes are actually an ordered arrangement of magnetic nanoparticles. His essence is actually ferric oxide, is our junior high school chemistry class of magnet.

This material can detect the magnetic field around it. And it's now found in many living things. Such as flagellates, pigeons, and even humans.

At the end of the pigeon's beak, there are two small polyps. That's probably where the pigeon's magnetic nanoparticles are.

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