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Is cornstone the jade of the rainbow? What is the difference between cornstone and jade of the rainb


With the improvement of people's living standard, more and more people grow plants at home, and the corn stone of succulent rainbow does not occupy space and easy to survive, has become people's first choice. So is cornstone the jade of the rainbow? What's the difference between cornstone and rainbow jade? Let's take a look.

Is cornstone the jade of the rainbow

The appearance of cornstone and rainbow jade is similar, but their main differences are different plant height, leaves, flowering time and habits. The plant height of cornstone is up to 10~50 cm, the leaves are slightly smaller, and the color is mainly white, while the plant height of rainbow jade is up to 10~20 cm, the leaf length is about 2~4 cm, and the color is yellowish red.

What's the difference between cornstone and iridum

Differences in leaves

First of all, there is a certain difference between the leaves of cornstone and rainbow jade. Compared with rainbow jade, the leaves of cornstone are more swollen and cylindrical, and the color is bright green. Then, the leaves of Iridum are cylindrical in the early stage and gradually become oval in the later stage, and the length is longer than that of cornstone, and the color is green, but it will change to reddish-brown in the later stage.

The difference of petals

Cornstone blooms in summer, that is, in June, July and August, and is white in color; The flower period of iridum begins in winter and ends in early spring. The color of its petals is yellow and red.

Difference in height

The growth height of the rainbow jade is relatively short compared with the corn stone, the corn stone can grow up to 50 cm, and the rainbow jade may be more than 20 cm;

Differences in origin

Cornstone is a plant from Europe, mostly living in stone crevice; Iridum is a hybrid species cultivated artificially and does not grow in the wild.

Different farming environments

Cornstone, because it exists in the wild, is much more drought-resistant than Iridum, and cornstone, which is naturally present in nature, is even more drought-resistant.

A Complete collection of breeding methods of cornstone

Leaf cutting method

The leaf insertion time of corn stone is from April to June in spring and summer. The whole leaf insertion method is adopted to breed young plants by cutting with intact leaves.

Branches of interpolation

The branching season of cornstone is also usually in its growing season, from the mother plant to cut the growing strong branches as cuttings, to control the length of 5-7 cm function. Place THE CUTTING WOUND IN A COOL, VENTILATED PLACE TO DRY, INSERT IT IN a VENTILATED SANDY SOIL, AND moistEN THE CUTTING substrate after FINISHING THE CUTTings. Let it sit for a week before it takes root.